Monday, April 4, 2011

Daftar Literatur tentang Minahasa

Yranzo OFM, Pater Juan (IND)
Verslag over den voortgang de Missie in Manado 1635-1645
Manila, 4 Augustus 1645Report about the progress of the Mission in Manado 1635-1645

Pieter Bleeker (BLD)
Reis door de Minahassa en den Molukschen archipel - 2 parts
Batavia, Lange, 1856Perjalanan di Minahasa dan archipelago Maluku
Keywords: personal observations, travel, agriculture, physical geography, cultural and social anthropology, maluku, indonesia

N.P. Wilken (BLD) 
Bijdragen tot de kennis van de zeden en gewoonten der Alfoeren in de Minahassa MNZG 7, 1863A presentation about habits of the native Minahasa people in those days. These writings are full of etnographic descriptions of various views of life and lifestyles, including religious life, especially in the Tombulu area, up to fabels and stories of origins and meanings of a number of places (negerijen). For example, the name Tataaran is derived from the word "tumaar" (promise), later it became “tataaran” (the place of the promise). A tale of the old days when the Tondano and the Tombulu people agreed to make this place (negerij) a place of transaction, to exchange goods (ruilhandel). Based on this agreement the place received the nameTataaran.

N.P. Wilken (BLD) 
Bijdragen tot de kennis der Alfoersche taal in de MinahasaRotterdam: M. Wijt & Zonen, 1866Pays attention to the Tombulu language. After noting down a number of folk tales and riddles in the Tombulu language, Wilken clarifies in this book the Tombulu language rules, including the sounds, the forming of words, verbs etcetera.

Padtbrugge, Robertus (IND) 
Het Journaal van Padtbrugge's reis naar Noord Celebes 16 Augustus - 23 December 1677
bijd.1867The Journal of Padtbrugge's journey to North Sulawesi 16th Augustus - 23rd Desember 1677

L. Mangindaan (BLD) 
Oud Tondano
1871Old Tondano

N. Graafland (BLD)
De Minahasa. Haar verleden en tegenwoordige toestand - two books
Rotterdam: M. Wijt & Zonen, 1867The Minahasa. Her past and present condition.
A report of a private trip to various areas in the Minahasa that touch different aspects of life in Graafland's own time period while working as a missionary for the Dutch NZG (Nederlandsche Zendelinggenootschap).

Sydney J. Hickson (ENG)
A naturalist in north Celebes : a narrative of travels in Minahassa, the Sangir and Talaut islands, with notices of the fauna, flora and ethnology of the districts visited - 392 p.
London, Murray, 1889Keywords: personal observations, maritime transport, fauna, flora, customs and traditions, sulawesi, indonesia

Wawuruntu, A L (IND) 
De Oude Geschiedenis der Minahasa
1891The Old History of the Minahasa

Kol, Hubert van (IND) 
Uit Onze Kolonien, een Schakelstuk
1903From Our Colonies, a Link Piece

J.A.T. Schwarz (BLD) 
Tontemboansche Teksten - 3 booksLeiden: Brill, 1907The first book is a collection of folk stories that Schwarz collected and all in the Tontemboan language. In all 141 stories. The themes are varied, starting with fabels, myths of the creation of the village, stories of the origin of names, up to legends and myths of gods as well as prayers.
The second book is a translation into Duch of the first book, with added interpretation of Schwarz himself.
The third book contains linguistic notes and ethnographics of the contents of those stories.
J.A.T. Schwarz is one of the missionaries of the NZG who once worked in Sonder. His father, J.G. Schwarz was a pioneer missionary who worked in Langowan for a long time and arrived in the Minahasa in 1831 together with J.F. Riedel, also a pioneer missionary who spent more than 30 years of his life there, until his death in Tondano.

J.A.T. Schwarz (BLD) 
Tontemboansch-Nederlandsch woordenboek met Nederlandsch-Tontemboansch registerLeiden: Brill, 1908

J.E. Jasper (BLD)
De Bantiks : een oude volksstam in de Minahassa - 22 p.
s.n., [S.l.], 1909Keywords: mythology, customs and traditions, ethnic and racial groups, sulawesi, indonesia

J.E. Jasper (BLD) 
Eenige onderwerpen, betrekking hebbende op de Minahassa - 10 p.
Kolff, Batavia, 1913A few subjects with regards to the Minahasa
Keywords: land tenure, land rights, customs and traditions, sulawesi, indonesia

A.L. Wawo-Runtu (BLD) 
Rede uitgesproken op 18 december 1915 bij gelegenheid der algemeene vergadering der "Perserikatan Minahasa" - 8 p
[S.l., s.n.], 1915Speech delivered on 18th December 1915 at the occasion of the general meeting of the "Perserikatan Minahasa"
Keywords: biography, education, netherlands, indonesia

A.L. Wawo-Runtu (BLD) 
De Minahasa en het Minahasavolk 1679-1917 - 15 p
De Bussy, Amsterdam, 1918The Minahasa and the Minahasa people 1679-1917
Keywords: forced labour, taxation, development, colonialism, sulawesi, indonesia

S. Pangemanan cs. (IND) 
Keradjinan Orang Minahasa
Batavia: Landsdrukkerij. 1919About the Handicraft of the Minahasa people.

J.W. Gunning (BLD) 
De protestantsche zending in de MinahasaBKI 80, 1924The Protestant missions in the Minahasa

A.J. van Aernsbergen (BLD) 
Serie Uit en over de Minahasa - De Katholieke kerk en hare missie in de MinahasaBKI 81, 1925The Catholic church and her mission in the Minahasa

N. Adriani (BLD) 
Serie Uit en over de Minahasa - De Minahasische talenBKI 81, 1925Minahasa languages

Afdeeling landbouw, Departement van landbouw, nijverheid en handel (IND)
Perkeboenan kelapa boemi poetera ditanah Minahassa - 28 p.
Weltevreden, Landsdrukkerij, 1925Coconut plantations of the inhabitants of the Minahasa
Keywords: coconut palms, small farms, crop management, sulawesi, indonesia

E.C. Godeè Molsbergen (BLD) 
Geschiedenis van de Minahassa tot 1829Weltevreden: Landdrukkerij, 1928History of the Minahasa to 1829

Sam Weleij (IND) 
Tontemboansch namen register enz. : winèrotan i ngaran e nimangäpo' in dior, karapi im paroro'on i iitoe - 100 p.
Liem Oei Tiong, Manado, 1928Tontemboan names register etc.

Cornelis Tjepko Bertling (BLD) 
Grondbezit in de Minahasa - 18 p.
Kolff, Weltevreden, 1928Land possession in the Minahasa

C.T. Bertling (BLD) 
Echtscheiding cijfers der Christen-inlanders in de Minahasa - 190-233 p
Kolff, Weltevreden, 1929Divorce statistics of Christian-inhabitants in the Minahasa

Hersevien M Taulu (BLD) 
Bintang Minahasa (pingkan mogogoenoij) - 129 p
Balai poestaka, Batavia, 1931 - Serie Balai poestaka; 933Minahasa Star

C.T. Berthling (BLD) 
De Minahasische Waruga en Hockerbestattung
NION vol XVI,1931The Minahasa Waruga and Stool Funerals

G.S.S.J. Ratu Langie (BLD) 
De Kelakerangronden in de Minahassa - 18 p
Persatoean Minahasa, Batavia, 1933Keywords: local government, public administration, customary law, laws and regulations, sulawesi, indonesia

M.R. Dajoh (IDN) 
Pahlawan Minahasa - 103 p
Balai poestaka, Batavia, 1935Heroes of the Minahasa

J.G.Ch. Sahelangi (IND) 
Ringkasan Hikajat Tanah Bangsa Minahasa Purbakala
Hikajat Bangsa Bentenan jang menduduki bahagian tenggara tanah Minahasa

Makassar: Pertjetakan Makassar, 1950Condensed history of the Ancient Minahasa Race
Anals of the Bentenan tribe that live in parts of the Minahasa

H.M. Taulu (IND) 
Adat dan Hukum Adat MinahasaTomohon, 1952Habits and Habitual Rights of the Minahasa

J.F. Malonda (IND) 
Membuka tudung dinamika filsafat-purba MinahasaManado: Jajasan Badan Budaja Wongker-Werun, 1952Opening the dynamics if the veil of ancient Minahasa philosophy

Hetty Palm (ENG) 
Ancient art of the Minahasa - 59 p
Publisher:Bandung, Masa-Baru, 1958

F.S. Watuseke (IND) 
Sejarah Minahasa1961 / 1968Brief but firmly this book lists chronologically the events in the Minahasa from "ancient times" until 1954, that is when Bitung became a sea port. The attraction of this book - especially in the 2nd edition that was published in 1968 - are the attachments that amongst others list the historic events of the division of the Minahasa land into walak-walak (locations) and then into districts from approximately 1679 until 1966.

E.V. Adam (IND) 
Kesusasteraan, Kebudajaan dan Tjerita-tjerita Peninggalan MinahasaManado: Pertjetakan Negara, 1967Literature, Culture and Stories of the Minahasa Inheritance
This little booklet is a collection of descriptions of habits and old superstitions as well as manners in the old Minahasa. There are also traditional quatrains and 'the science" of listening to birds.

Kurt Tauchmann (GER) 
Die Religion der Minahasa-Stämme (Nordost-Celebes/Sulawesi).1968A German researcher was promoted to Doctor at the University of Cologne with this dissertation. This is probably the first dissertasion about the Minahasa ever written in German. Through his studies Kurt Tauchmann tries to reconstruct religion and beliefs of the autochtonal Minahasa tribes from the era before the influences of Europe. This book consists of six parts, each discussing cosmology, beliefs and teachings regarding the gods, describing and conseptualising about the soul, religious leaders, religious behaviour, and finally about the Minahasa religious system. This study is very comprehensive and continually regards the divisions between the various tribes within the Minahasa. It is interesting to hear Tauchmann speak of the Minahasa as a "Museum of Myths". In the eastern part of Indonesia, according to him, there is no other area where you can find such diversity of myths competing with each other as in the Minahasa.

F.S. Watuseke (BLD, ENG)
Magazine: Bijdragen tot de Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde van Nederlansch-Indië (yang biasa disingkat BKI)KITLV in the NetherlandsIn Dutch and in English. Various writings of his appeared in this magazine.

F.S. Watuseke (BLD) 
Oude gebruiken bij zwangerschap en geboorte in Tondano
BKI 126, 1970In accordence with its title this article speaks about old habits with regard to pregnancy and birth in Tondano, where it is explained, for instance, what the meaning is of maali-ali and matimea´ up to names of kinds of spices that are needed by a mother to bath in after the birth (like Karimenga, Kajutumetow, Muntè pepontolen, and so on.). In the last part of the article there is also a drawing of what a local baby cradle looks like.

H. Kroeskamp (ENG)
Early Schoolmasters in Developing Country: A history of experiments in school education in 19th century IndonesiaAssen: Van Gorcum & Comp. B.V., 1973Documentation and analysis of a teacher´s school that was founded and exploited by Graafland. Graafland is the founder of the school for teachers in the Minahasa that at first was founded in Sonder in 1851 and three years later moved to Tanawangko. The theme is the education in the Minahasa and the presence of the school for teachers, as well as the influence on the people of the Minahasa. In Tanawangko Graafland also started publishing the first Minahasa newspaper (in the Malay language), “Tjahaja Siang” (Morning light).

L. Adam (IND) 
Pemerintahan di MinahasaJakarta: Bhratara, 1975Government in the Minahasa. A translation from BKI with a foreword by F.S. Watuseke

L. Adam (IND) 
Adat Istiadat Sukubangsa MinahasaJakarta: Bhratara, 1976Customs and traditions of the Minahasa Tribes. Translation from BKI with a foreword by G.M.A. Inkiriwang.

Adrian Bernard Lapian (ENG) 
Holy warriors from the sea : (the raid on Manado of 1875) - 25 p
Leiden, Bureau Indonesische studiën, 1976

C.I.J. Sluijk (BLD) 
Tekeningen op grafstenen uit de Minahasa
1976Drawings on Minahasa gravestones

N.S. Kalangi (IND) 
Orang Minahasa. Beberapa Aspek Kemasyarakatan dan Kebudayaan
Peninjau 4, 1977.The Minahasas A Few Aspects of Society and Culture.

Vincent O.L (BLD) 
Seri Mapalus. Koleksi Warisan Nenek MoyangJakarta: Yayasan MapalusMapalus series: Collection of Inheritances of Forefathers
Bulletin from the year 1977

Maria J.C. Schouten (BLD) 
De veranderde positie van het Walakhoofd in de Minahasa gedurende de 19e eeuw : ukung, volkshoofd, ambtenaar - 114 p.
Amsterdam, Vrije universiteit, 1978The changing position of the Walak head in the Minahasa during the 19th century

Boéng Dotulong; Fransz-Rompis, Diana; Kaliey, Ruud; Lumenta, Nol (BLD) 
Minahasa - 44 p
[S.l., s.n.], 1980Keywords: regional geography, sulawesi, indonesia

Mieke Schouten (ENG)
Minahasa and Bolaangmongondow: an annotated bibliography 1800-1942The Hague: Martinus Nijhoff, 1981788 Article entries about the Minahasa that are still documented of which the material is kept in various libraries and archives in the Netherlands.

N.S. Kalangi (IND) 
Kebudayaan Minahasa - Koentjaraningrat ed., Manusia dan Kebudayaan di IndonesiaJakarta: Didjaskara, 1981Minahasa Culture - from Indonesian People and Cultures.

Willem H. Makaliwe (ENG) 
A preliminary note on genealogy and intermarriage in the Minahasa regency, North SulawesiBKI 137, 1981

Wil Lundström-Burghoorn (ENG) 
Minahasa Civilization: A Tradition of ChangeGöteborg: Acta Universitatis Gothoburgensis, 1981Dissertation about the Minahasa that is kept in Göteborg, Sweden. An anthropological study about the habits and traditions that are practiced by the Minahasa society, including examination of the relationships and rites from a persons birth to his death.

Watuseke, F. S.; Watuseke-Politton, W. B.(BLD)
Het Minahasa- of Manado-Maleis. Bijdragen tot de Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde 137, 324-346.
1981The Minahasa- or Manado-Malay. Contribution to de Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde 137, 324-346.

M.J.C. Schouten (BLD) 
De betovering van de kruidnagel in de Minahasa
Orion December: 16-18 Haia. - 1985The Magic of Clove in the Minahasa

M.J.C. Schouten (BLD) 
Kruidnagel, brenger van een broze welvaart?
Mededelingen Vrienden Unsrat-Wenang 1/2: 9-11 Amsterdam. - 1985Clove, messenger of frail prosperity?

Richard A.D. Siwu (ENG) 
Adat, Gospel and Pancasila: A Study of the Minahasan Culture and Christianity in the Frame of Modernization in Indonesian SocietyTesis D.Min, Lexington Theological Seminary, 1985

A.E. Wahongan-K (IND) 
Peranan Wanita dalam Pembangunan dan Kaitannya dengan Lembaga MapalusTesis Master, Institut Pertanian Bogor, 1986The role of women in the Development and its Relation with the Mapalus Institution

Bert Supit (IND) 
Minahasa: Dari Amanat Watu Pinawetengan Sampai Gelora MinawanuaJakarta: Sinar Harapan, 1986Minahasa From the Message of Watu Pinawetengan until the Passion of Minawanua.
(Note: Bert Supit, the writer of this book is not the same one as docter Bert A. Supit in Tomohon. This Bert Supit is a former officer of the army (TNI-AD) and is an initiator of the founding of the Perguruan Tinggi Manado (Higher Education Center of Manado), which later became the Sam Ratulangi University, and now lives in Jakarta).
The book written by Bert Supit can be categorized as an examination of the Minahasa history. One of the primary references used by Bert Supit is the book of E.C. Godeè Molsbergen. Moreover, the lengthy quotation of the agreement between the Dutch and the Minahasas in 1679, 1699 and 1790 is quoted in its entirity from that book. However, that does not mean that Bert Supit is not critical with regards to that book. In the contrary, with this book Bert Supit shows the flame of resistance against the Dutch that ever happend in the Minahasa history, especially the Tondano War.

Ulrich Mai; Helmut Buchholt (ENG) 
Peasant pedlars and professional traders : subsistence trade in rural markets of Minahasa, Indonesia - 155 p
Institute of Southeast Asian studies, Singapore, 1987

Yoost Kullit (IND) 
Minahasa: Masa Lalu dan Masa KiniJakarta: Lembaga Perpustakaan Dokumentasi & Informasi, 1987Translation of De Minahasa. Haar verleden en tegenwoordige toestand

M.J.C. Schouten (BLD) 
Village administration in Minahasa
Amsterdam: Free University Pres 1987

M.J.C. Schouten (BLD) 
Koppensnellen in de Minahasa, in het verleden en in het heden
Manguni 1/2: 19-21 Enschede. 1987Headhunting in the Minahasa, in the past and present

M.J.C. Schouten (BLD) 
Myth and reality in Minahasan history: The Waworuntu-Gallois confrontation - Archipel; Etudes interdisciplinaires sur le monde insulindien 34: 119-141.
Ecole des Hautes Etudes Sciences Sociales 1987

M.J.C. Schouten (IND) 
Legitimasi sementara: pemerintahan desa di Minahasa
Jakarta: Gramedia. 1988Temporary legitimation: Village government in the Minahasa

Philip Quarles van Ufford (IND) 
Kepemimpinan lokal dan implementasi program. Pp. 79-108
Jakarta: Gramedia. 1988Local management and implementation program

M.J.C. Schouten (ENG) 
The Minahasans: eternal rivalry
Meppel: Edu Aktief 1988

Helmut Buchholt (GER)
Kirche, Kopra und Bürokraten: Gesellschaftliche Entwicklung und strategisches Handeln in Nord Sulawesi / IndonesienSaabrücken: Verlag Breitenbach, 1990Church, Copra and Burocracy. Trade Development and strategic Trading in North Sulawesi
Buchholt himself is a German. The original of this book is a dissertation for his Doctoral promotion at the University of Bielefeld. The title is indeed unique because it combines the church, copra and the burocrats. Following the sociological approach of development in the conseptual framework of strategical Groups, Buchholt examines the central role of the people and region of the Minahasa in the development of Northern Sulawesi, especially from the Dutch East-Indies´ political colonial era with economical transformation processes up until the era of the Orde Baru government with its burocracies.

Richard Leirissa (IND) 
PRRI/Permesta: Strategi Membangun Indonesia Tanpa KomunisJakarta: Grafitipres, 1990The writer is a deacon of the Faculti of History of the Indonesian University (UI). In the introduction of this book that he edited, Reimar Schefold writes amongst others: “The various contributions give voice to a new interest in the culture of Minahasa, which after a long period of considerable silence has been gradually re-emerging in recent years.”. To hear the new intentions towards this Minahasa like a fresh breeze.

Laurens Hendrik Paat (GER) 
Die theologisch-ökumenesischen Partnerschaftsgrundgedanken der Kirchen Indonesiens : am Beispiel der evangelischen Kirche in der Minahasa - 252 p
Frankfurt am Main [etc.], 1991 - Series: Europäische Hochschulschriften. Reihe 23: Theologie; 429The Theological Oecumenic Basic Partnerships of the Indonesian Churches i.e. the evangelical Church in the Minahasa
Keywords: ecumenical movement, theology, protestant churches, sulawesi, indonesia

Lucy R. Montolalu (IND)
Minahasa: Negeri, Rakyat dan BudayanyaJakarta: Pustaka Utama Grafiti, 1991Translation of De Minahasa. Haar verleden en tegenwoordige toestand

Helmut F. Weber (GER) 
Wer fleißig ist, der kann es schaffen : vom Modernisierungsmythos in der ländlichen Minahasa, seinen Ursprüngen und Folgen - 270 p
Eberhard, München, 1993If you're dilligent, you can do it : from the Modernization myth in the Minahasa, its origins and consequences.
Keywords: social research, regional development, rural conditions, social change, social psychology, social mobility, sulawesi, indonesia

David E.F. Henley (ENG) 
Nationalism and regionalism in colonial Indonesia : the case of Minahasa - 91-112 p
1993Keywords: regionalism, nationalism, ethnopsychology, colonialism, sulawesi, indonesia

K.A. Kapahang-Kaunang (IND) 
Perempuan: Pemahaman Teologis tentang Perempuan dalam Konteks Budaya MinahasaJakarta: BPK Gunung Mulia, 1993Women: Theological Understanding about Women in the Context of Minahasa Culture.
In the beginning it was an M.Th. thesis that was finished at the UKIT in Tomohon in the year 1989.

Mangundap, M A, Pastor Agus cs (IND) 
125 Tahun Gereja Keuskupan Manado
1993125 Years of Manado Church Bishop

Louise Gandhi-Lapian (IND) 
Harmonisasi Hukum tentang Sahnya Perkawinan Kristen dan Hubungannya dengan Harta Benda Perkawinan: Suatu Penelitian Lapangan di ‘Rondor’ Kawangkoan MinahasaDisertasi Ph.D. Universitas Indonesia, Jakarta, 1993Judicial Harmony about the Legitimacy of Christian Marriages and its Relationship with Bridal Dowery. A Field Research in ‘Rondor’ Kawangkoan Minahasa
The writer was a teacher at the Faculty of Law at the Universitas Indonesia in the year 1993 to achieve a doctor's degree.

Mieke Schouten (ENG) 
Minahasan Metamorphoses: Leadership and social mobility in a Southeast Asian society, c. 1680-1983Dissertation Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, 1993Mieke Schouten focusses her antropological-history study on cultural changes in the Minahasa in the time between 1680 and 1983. Using the term “metamorphoses” in the title of her hook Schouten proves that in the Minahasa, economical-, political- and religious changes are still followed by ritual processes from the past. For instance, Christian practices are still not free from ritual processes and primary religious structure. Apart from that, whichever way the modern national burocratic structure colours the political constellation, the process of traditional leadership still dominates the village structure.
This dissertation of Mieke Schouten is an attractive combination of documentation and analysis. This book of 340 pages thick can even become the basis for many new researches, for instance regarding the concept of power in the Minahasa culture or regarding Minahasa women. Mieke Schouten is indeed not a newcomer with regards to study about the Minahasa. Her MA thesis at the Vrije Universiteit in Amsterdam in 1978 already had the theme of “The positional changes of the walak (area) heads in the Minahasa during the 19th century” (“De veranderende positie van het walak-hoofd in de Minahasa gedurende de negentiende eeuw”). From that time on Mieke Schouten in fact already started to assert herself as a source of information about the Minahasa, especially through her writing. She is amongst those foreign writers who are very productive in writing about the Minahasa.

Menno Hekker (BLD) 
Minahassers in Indonesië en Nederland: migratie en cultuurveranderingDisertasi Universiteit van Amsterdam, 1993Minahasas in Indonesia and the Netherlands, migration and culture changes
It can already be seen from the title that the direction of the research is about cultural changes of the Minahasa migrants in the Netherlands. Menno Hekker clarifies his study ethnographically. His study itself is a case about one particular type of migrant. Based on the approach of cultural change Menno Hekker then compares between Minahasa people that already stay in the Netherlands and those that stay in the Minahasa. He calls the cultural changes in the migrant Minahasas as a “folkloring” process. This process comes to pass because of context changes, where the Minahasa culture is rekindled. Meaning, the original context of the Minahasa culture is changed by the context of social life of the Dutch society, resulting in the disappearance of a number of cultural elements.. However, there are a number of habits and cultural elements that are continued to be maintained like the expressions of gratitude to God, gatherings, new year, christmas tree program, maenket (folk dance), kabasaran (folk dance) and mapalus. Mapalus (vernacular term for working together) is only done as a reciprocal principle among Minahasas in the Netherlands.

David H. Tulaar, ed., (IND) 
Opoisme: Teologi Orang MinahasaTomohon: LETAK, 1993Opoism: Theology of the Minahasa people
Documentation of a discussion process with the theme “opoism” taking place by mail as well as through seminars from the year 1990 till 1993.

David H. Tulaar, ed. (IND) 
Merunding-rundingkan Kerja Selamat: Buku Penghormatan Hari Jadi ke-60 Prof. Dr. W.A. RoeroeTomohon: LETAK, 1993A Festschrift for Rev. W.A. Roeroe with themes like village development, women, church and theology of the Minahasa.

F.S. Watuseke; D.E.F. Henley (BLD) 
C.C. Predigers Verhandeling over het plaatselijk bestuur en de huishouding van de Minahasa in 1804 -357-385 p
1994 - Bijdragen tot de taal-, land- en volkenkunde" ; 150Keywords: civil service, customs and traditions, documentary sources, nineteenth century, sulawesi, indonesia

Helmut Buchholt dan Ulrich Mai, eds. (ENG) 
Continuity, Change and Aspirations: Social and Cultural Life in Minahasa, IndonesiaSingapore: Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, 1994Contains eleven articles from different writers, besides the introduction, which in fact is in all three parts of this book.
Part one, contains three articles, touching on social-historical and cultural develeopment aspects of the Minahasa.
Part two highlights especially the local political aspects and social differenciation. This part contains five articles.
Part three contains three articles regarding ideological and economical aspects of the areal development.
A large part of this book is the pouring of discussions of five German researchers from the Bielefeld University. It is important to note that as of the 1980s the Bielefeld University is the German university that pays much attention to the research of the Minahasa.
Her contacts with the research center of the Manado UNSRAT is also very firm. Then there is a contribution of Mieke Schouten the elite circle of old and new in Sonder. Two of her other articles originate from researchers in UNSRAT. One article about the role of Minahasa women in the villages, written together with Wiesje Lalamentik, Alex Ulaen and Justus Inkiriwang. Another article about the power system and the role of the non-agricultural work force sector in the villages of North Sulawesi, performed by Lucky Sondakh.

M.J.C. Schouten (ENG) 
Old and new élite in a village of Sonder
Singapore: Institute of Southeast Asian Studies 1994

M.J.C. Schouten (ENG) 
Wa'ilan and boss: Status seeking in Minahasa
Leiden: Research School CNWS 1995

Reimer Schefold, ed. (ENG) 
Minahasa Past and Present: Tradition and Transition in an Outer Island Region of IndonesiaLeiden: Research School CNWS, 1995Contains eight articles, besides the introduction that is written by this book's editor, covering various different themes on their own. For instance Mieke Schouten who discusses the search for status in the Minahasa, or Reimar Schefold with the theme theft of heroism (about Tumileng), or David Henley with an analysis of Minahasa cartography throughout history.

David E.F. Henley (ENG) 
Nationalism and Regionalism in a Colonial Context: Minahasa in the Dutch East Indies Leiden: KITLV, 1996In its form before revision, the writer already presents the contents of this book as a dissertation for Ph.D. to the Australian National University in the year 1992. David Henley himself is English. This book in essence researches the regional national development that sprouts in the Minahasa in the era from the Dutch East-Indies to the year 1942. He also performs a deep analysis of the interpretation of “bangsa Minahasa” (the Minahasa race). The deep political debates in the Minahasarad as well as the history of the birth of the political organization of the Minahasa people are documented in this work.

Yuniawati Umar (IND) 
Korelasi Waruga dan Lumpang Batu. Suatu Studi Awal dan Studi Kasus di Minahasa. Seminar Prasejarah Indonesia I. Yogyakarta.
Dwi Yani, 1996Correlation of Waruga and Stone Slabs. A Preliminary Study and Minahasa Case Study. Seminar Indonesian Prehistory I. Yogyakarta

Gerry van Klinken / Gerungan Saul Samuel Jacob Ratu Langie (ENG) 
Richard Wagner and Minahasa's past - 187-193 p
1998 - Kabar seberang - Yayasan Soekarno monograph series; 28/29 2Lasting fascinations : essays on Indonesia and the Southwest Pacific to honour Bob Hering / ed. by Harry A. Poeze and Antoinette Liem
Keywords: biography, indonesian literature, twentieth century, sulawesi, indonesia

Herman Carel Waworuntu dan (1)Tolang Sara Rengkoeng, (2)Maria Tenden dan (3)Tewik (IND) 
Silsilah Keturunan
Pinaesaan Ne Keluarga Besar Waworuntu, Jakarta 2001Family Tree of Waworuntu, Rengkoeng, Tenden, Tewik. This family-tree has more than 2200 entries.

M.J.C. Schouten (ENG) 
Manifold connections: the Minahasa region in Indonesia
South East Asia Research - London 2004

S. Pangemanan cs. (ENG, IND)
North Sulawesi Textiles and the revival of the Bentenan Cloth (article)
Wastraprema, the Indonesian Traditional Textile Society, Jakarta - December 2004 (planned)About Traditional textile in North Sulawesi

Jan F. Menayang (IND) 
Kamus: Melayu Manado - Indonesia / Indonesia - Melayu Manado
IPCOS Jakarta, Dec. 2004 (planned)Dictionary: Manado Malay - Indonesia / Indonesia - Manado Malay

Muskens, Dr M.P.M. (IND) 
Sejarah Gereja Katolik Indonesia I: Misi di Sulawesi-Utara
????History of the Indonesian Catholic Churc I: Mission in North Sulawesi

I.W. Palit (ENG) 
Sejarah Manusia Pertama di MinahasaA small stencil without dateHistory of the First People in the Minahasa
At the Sidang Raya IX of the Dewan Gereja-gereja di Indonesia (DGI) -Church Council in Indonesia-, in Tomohon in the year 1980, this stencil was issued to the participants of the session.

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